Journeying Through Grief

Have you experienced a recent loss?

Let us support you on your road to healing with our free class, Journeying Through Grief. Over 8 weeks, you will learn to understand yourself better, and develop skills to process your emotions and cope more effectively with your loss.

Effective Communication

Could you use some tips to help you communicate better with the people in your life?

In this group, participants learn about the basics of communication, different communication styles, boundary setting, and develop strategies on how to be assertive and to refuse requests.

Coping With Anger

Want to learn to deal with your anger? Take charge today.

In this new workshop, we’ll talk about what causes and maintains anger, help you learn about your own anger styles, and touch on why we get so angry. The class introduces cognitive behavioural therapy methods of coping and working through anger, and provides a supportive environment to discuss strategies and implement changes in everyday life. Join us.

Mental Wellness 101

If you’ve been struggling with stress, anxiety or depression, this group class is a great starting point.

We explore some common mental health concerns and teach coping strategies. You may get everything you need from this group, or you may need to seek additional mental health resources in your journey to wellness.

Insomnia Workshop

Can’t fall asleep? Can’t stay asleep? If you’re having trouble sleeping, we can teach you strategies to help you sleep better.

Insomnia is one of the most commonly reported health complaints among adults. Poor sleep can negatively impact mood, relationships and job performance. While you can’t work harder to force yourself to sleep, you can work smarter.

Workplace Stress

Stressed at work? Getting bullied? This class might be just what you need.

If you’re experiencing stress and bullying in the workplace, join us for this informative seminar. We’ll review these negative workplace conditions, the causes, and how they affects people’s overall mental and physical level of functioning. We also teach you what you can do to alleviate the stress, how to handle bullying, and help you create coping mechanisms to get your work-life balance back on track. Sign up today!

Craving Change®

The Craving Change® program is a how-to guide for changing your relationship with food.

We’ll explore the situations, thoughts and emotions that affect food choices and, using a cognitive-behavioural approach, you’ll learn how to deal with your specific eating struggles by changing your thoughts and behaviors.

More Mental Wellness Classes Available to You

Access other wellness classes from our partners & AHS.

Alberta Primary Care Networks offer a variety of education classes to help you manage your health. Visit the provincial Workshops page for a section of mental health classes covering stress management, grief, anxiety and depression, relationships, relaxation and more. There’s no referral required and they’re open to anyone.