Grief is a tough journey and we want you to get the support you need.

In this class, you’ll develop a tool kit that will help you understand yourself better and learn skills to cope more effectively with your loss of a loved one.

Participants will: 

  • learn the stages of grief using the Alan WolfeIt model 
  • develop skills to process your grief (mourn) 

Your commitment:

To get the most out of this course, we encourage you to make it a priority by attending the sessions every week and practicing skills daily. It helps to engage in exercises to help you explore your grief needs, deepen your emotional healing, and begin to reinvest in life.




  • 8 Week Program
  • 2 Hour Sessions

Registration Details:

This class is for adults 18+.

If you live in the Edmonton area, you can self-refer or have your family doctor refer you. There is no cost to attend.

When requesting registration below, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire to see if this class is suitable for you.

  • Virtual Class
    delivered via Zoom
  • Register By Phone

    780-453-3757, Ext. 132 or 113

Journeying Through Grief Classes

Upcoming 8-Week Sessions:
  • Class Dates — April 10 to May 29 (1:30-3:30 pm)

    Please fill out the registration questionnaire below.

    Questionnaire & Registration (or Waitlist)

    This 8-week program is suitable for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one and want to feel a sense of understanding with others going through similar experiences.

    This class may be more difficult for you if you have a pre-existing mental health diagnosis with current symptoms and/or trauma.


    Your answers will help us understand whether this program would be the best fit for you.

    1. Please indicate your type of loss:

    3. Are you coping by numbing your pain with any substances?

    4. Are you having thoughts of suicide or self-harm?

    If you are in immediate distress or feeling suicidal, please call 9-1-1 NOW.

    24-Hour Distress Line: 780-482-HELP (780-482-4357)

    Alberta Mental Health Helpline: 1-877-303-2642

    Contact information for Registration


    Provider Information

    Your Doctor's Clinic * (Please type the name of your clinic (or type n/a if you don't have one)

    * Denotes required field.

    Please be aware that this form is for a registration REQUEST only. Once you have completed and submitted your questionnaire, a scheduling coordinator will contact you to confirm your registration or get more details from you.